Club Safety Rules & Regulations
All MMRC Members are required to follow these basic safety rules and regulations whilst conducting flight operations.
These rules apply wether you are flying at an official MMRC meet, event or even just with a few friends or on your own wether indoors or out.
Failure to adhere to these rules & regulations could result in diciplinary action by the club and will also result in you NOT being covered by the clubs insurance. You will be fully liable and accountable for any mishaps that occur.
These rules & regulations are subject to change and are grouped into Outdoor & Indoor flight operations, as flying indoors has less restrictions.
Safety Rules & Regulations (General)
Do not fly in a dangerous or hazardous manner that effects others or puts any life or property at risk.
Do not fly over an active bush fire zone or other area under the control of emergency services.
Do not fly over any restricted flight zones or any area currently defined as a no fly zone by a NOTAM (Notice To Airmen)
Do not attach any explosive device, firework or firearm or projectile emitting device to your aircraft
Do not hand launch or hand retrieve/catch a flying aircraft under any circumstances
Do not fly around livestock, pets or any animals including local wildlife
Where directed by an emergency services officer or government official (local/state/federal) land your aircraft immediately (safely) upon being directed to do so for any reason whatsoever and must do so without question on the grounds of safety.
Ensure you have a functioning and fully tested failsafe function on your radio or flight controller prior to takeoff.
Ensure all payloads, batteries and other devices are fully secured and cannot fall from your model.
Ensure your model is fully visible from a distance to the naked eye, use bright LED's on both front and rear.
Safety Rules & Regulations (Outdoor Flight Operations)
Do not fly higher than 400 feet (120m) within controlled airspace
Do not fly within 3 nautical miles (5.5km) of an airport, aerodrome or other aviation operations area without ATC clearance.
Do not fly in obvious flight path areas or takeoff or landing paths outside the 5.5km radius of an airport or create a hazard to aircaft.
Do not fly within 30 meters of the general public, houses or buildings or cars or roads or any other hazard.
Do not fly in any public park or public area strictly prohibited by local by-laws or local council.
Do not fly at night except at a recognised club event or other event organised by a recognised club.
Use a spotter in your group at all times, one person should always have visual line of sight of the models and flight operations area.
Safety Rules & Regulations (Indoor Flight Operations)
Do not fly within 30 meters of the general public, houses or buildings or cars or roads or any other hazard.
Do not fly close to the roof or any fixture attached to the roof (fire sprinklers, lighting, cabling etc).
Do not fly close to any windows or entrances/exits to the building.
Ensure your model does not exit the building at any time (becomes an outdoor flight then).
Use a spotter in your group at all times, one person should always have visual line of sight of the models and flight operations area.