Join The Club
How do I join?
Download the application form and fill it out and sign it.
Once completed & signed, you can then scan it, or take a photo of it and email it to secretary@vicfpv.com and then pay your fees by direct deposit.
Alternatively if you are paying by cheque send the signed application form along with a cheque made payabe to "Melbourne Multirotor Racing Club Incorporated' and post to: Secretary, MMRC - P.O. Box 621, Mulgrave VIC 3170
NOTE: Your application to join the club will then be put to vote at the next general meeting by the members present. If for some reason your application is denied, your fees will be refunded in full as soon as possible.
How do I pay my membership fees?
If you are paying by cheque see above.
if you are paying by direct deposit (Internet Banking, walk into bank or post office and direct deposit etc) then use the following account details:
BSB Number: 063-595
Account Number: 1077 6424
Account Name: Melbourne Multirotor Racing Club Incorporated
What are the current membership fees?
Fees are due after the 30th June every year.
Members joining after January 1st are eligible for the half yearly fees and must renew after June 30th as per normal.
Membership fees comprise of an insurance component which the club pays to the MAAA on your behalf. If you are already an MAAA member you may pay the Club Fee component only.
NOTE: If you are an existing MAAA member, please provide your MAAA membership number with your application.
Junior members are aged 15 years to 18 where they then become Senior members on their 18th birthday. Junior members cannot vote.
Club Insurance Included Own MAAA Insurance
Full Year Membership (July 1st to 30th June)
Senior Member $179 (insurance component $114) $65 per year
Junior Member $107 (insurance component $57) $50 per year
Half Year Membership (Jan 1st to June 30th)
Senior Member $102 (insurance component $57) $45 per half year
Junior Member $58.50 (insurance component $28.50) $30 per half year