Latest Club News

Latest News
The Melbourne Multirotor Racing Club Incorporated is open for business!
That's right, we're now incorporated, affiliated and insured and ready to accept members!
The MMRC has affiliated with the MAAA to provide insurance and other membership benefits and has also established affiliations to other national and international racing communities and sporting bodies and is now a real club with real memebrs!
Check out the Membership Page for more information on how to join and benefits.
The MMRC has also started using the MultiGP community FPV racing system. This allows members to enter races, obtain heat and frequency info prior to race day and see their points in a leaderboard. The MMRC Chapter is one of the biggest worldwide on MultiGP!!!
All the major Australian clubs have now come together and formed a council to organise FPV racing in Australia and our first nationals. The Australian FPV Racing Association (AFPVRA) has been formed and the MMRC has 3 representatives on this council to represent MMRC members in all things FPV racing in Australia.
The AFPVRA has also joined a worldwide council of organisers for the World Championships and other international racing events called the World Rotor Sports Association (WRSA). Thw WRSA is in the process of assisting the World Championships organisers in writing the rules and proceedures for the World Championships and international racing.
Exciting times indeed for racing worldwide!