Club Safety Policy...
MMRC takes safety very seriously! And so should you!!!
Our sport is fun, adrenaline filled and fast paced. It can also be dangerous if you fly your aircraft in an unsafe manner.
Whilst the club has well defined safety rules, we are all governed by our national aviation safety body CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority).
MMRC endevours to always follow CASA regulations, in our case the particular regulations that apply to our sport and model aviation is a document entitled CASR Part 101 (Unmanned Aircraft & Rocket Operations). Our insurer (MAAA) also has a flying safety guideline which you should follow when you fly to ensure you are fully covered. You can find a links these at the bottom of this page.
You should ALWAYS use discretion and common sense when flying! You should never put yourself or anyone else in danger or fly in areas that prohibit multirotors. If it seems like a bad idea it probably is!
MMRC has it's own set of safety rules & regulations which are based on CASR 101 and MAAA MOP's, if you follow these rules you should have no issues.
The club safety rules & regulations are a work in progress and are subject to change as the club matures. Regular updates to these will be determined by the club's general committee and Safety Officer.
CASA Safety 101 (Pun intended)
Depending on where you fly (Indoors or Outdoors) some parts of CASR 101 do not necessarily apply. As we fly indoors, most of CASR 101 does not apply to us, we still however need to follow the basic safety regulations outlined to comply but our aim is to be as safe as possible regardless of the location!
CASA basis safety rules state you should:
Keep a safe distance from people, vehicles, vessles & structures
Fly in suitable weather conditions (so that the aircraft can be seen at all times)
Fly with regards to any other conditions such as local by-laws
Fly with due consideration to other people & property
Fly with a suitable failsafe system on your aircraft
Fly with any payload safely secured to the aircraft as to ensure nothing falls from it
CASA basis safety rules state you SHOULD NOT:
Fly at an altitude above 400 feet (121m) within controlled airspace
Fly within 3 nautical miles (5.5km) of any airport or aerodrome or create an obstruction to any aircraft taking off or landing in a normal flight path (can be flown with ATC permission)
Fly over restricted airspace
Fly closer than 30m to people or vehicles/vessels or structures (does not apply to club members or officials at an event or a location/building under our control, does apply to general public or their vehicles or any other building or structure)
Fly at night (unless within accordance of written proceedures of an approved administration organisation)
Fly at any location that strictly prohibits model aircraft
Fly with metal propellers
Drop or discharge any device from a model aircraft that creates a hazard (firearms and exposive devices included)
Flying Indoors (At a venue with permission)
As we fly indoors many of the regulations in CASR 101 do not apply to us. These include:
Flying above 400 feet (duh)
Flying within 3 miles of an airport
Flying at night
Flying close to structures (we're in the structure and control it)
Flying close to people (providing they are part of the flying group, do not fly close to the public!!!)
However you should still keep away from people and cars and other hazards!
Reference Documents
These rules & regulations are based upon the following documents: