Club Inc.
Melbourne's first official Multirotor Club dedicated to FPV racing...

Latest News
16th January - 2016 Race Season Calendar Is Out!
We're racing every 2nd Sunday in 2016 - Check out the events page for more info!
December 2015 - We're Accepting Memberships Finally!!!!
We're now open for business, the club is incorporated, affiliated, insured and setup ready to accept memberships finally.
For information on how to join check out the Membership Information Page.
The Club has affiliated with the MAAA and is using its insurance for club members.
We've also started using the MultiGP system for race entries, scoring and heat & frequency management during races. It even has a leaderboard!
If you haven't been to one of our recent race meets or events you should check out our videos and pics pages for all the action!
We're still organising things and getting our rules and proceedures sorted but we've come a long way in a few months and it's going to be full steam ahead from here!
Darren French - MMRC Secretary